Giving back

As a family business with deep connections to the Pacific, PII’s commitment to serving
the region goes well beyond the construction industry.

Partnering with youth outreach program Youth With a
Mission (YWAM)
, PII has provided materials and support to
help YWAM further their mission and cause in the Pacific.

PII sponsors the PNG Institute of Architects – an
organisation with the remit of promoting architecture, and
the profession of architecture, in Papua New Guinea.

PII Managing Director Ashley Finn is an active member of
the board of LiteHaus International – a not-for-profit that
equips children in developing countries with the
technological skills and education they need to thrive in a
digital world.

Committed to adding value to the wider construction community, PII also hosts a series of webinars aimed at sharing industry knowledge with architects, designers, engineers and consultants.